> We observe that they essentially solve the same problem, i.e., how to store a collection of sorted integers with as few as possible bits and support query processing as fast as possible. Due to historical reasons, bitmap compression and inverted list compression were developed as two separated lines of research in the database area and information retrieval area.
> For historical reasons, inverted list compression and bitmap compression were developed as separate lines of research, and only later were recognized as solving essentially the same problem. [7]
> We observe that they essentially solve the same problem, i.e., how to store a collection of sorted integers with as few as possible bits and support query processing as fast as possible. Due to historical reasons, bitmap compression and inverted list compression were developed as two separated lines of research in the database area and information retrieval area.
Presentation slides https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/32bc/322fce0cf6c99b0dd31f1a...
Mentioned in https://github.com/junchangwang/reading-list/blob/main/Datab...
see also
If you like this, you might like the work of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gonzalo_Navarro
The lead author has a great body of research https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/csjgwang/pubs/
ScholarlyArticle: "An Experimental Study of Bitmap Compression vs. Inverted List Compression" (2017) https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3035918.3064007
Inverted index > Compression: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_index#Compression :
> For historical reasons, inverted list compression and bitmap compression were developed as separate lines of research, and only later were recognized as solving essentially the same problem. [7]
> and only later were recognized as solving essentially the same problem. [7]
"Hard problems that reduce to document ranking" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43174910#43175540
Ctrl-F "zoo" https://westurner.github.io/hnlog/#comment-36839925 #:~:text=zoo :
> Complexity Zoo, Quantum Algorithm Zoo, Neural Network Zoo
Programming Language Zoo https://plzoo.andrej.com/