palata 9 hours ago

Sure. "Please work 60 hours a day working on a technology that may well put you out of a job and also have disastrous consequences on society".

Why the hell do people accept to do that?

  • toomuchtodo 9 hours ago

    Technologists keep saying they don’t need a union while taking beatings from management, boards, and shareholders through round after round of layoffs, loss of flexible work arrangements, offshoring, using visa workers to disadvantage domestic workers, etc. One day they’ll change their mind? Or they’ll just keep complaining while accepting what they get.

    Is organizing so much worse than being held hostage? “You can go elsewhere.” Really? Because it looks like the labor market is frozen because employers are desperate to get control back from workers, even if they’re overworking those left to make their hand look better than it is for as long as they can until they have no choice but to hire again.

eichi 2 hours ago

When it comes to Google's success, another founder's experience, knowledge, other business competitiveness contributed most.

clipsy 8 hours ago

If they really believe they're going to develop "AGI," and they really believe that more engineering time would get them there faster, it seems like there's one obvious question: Why aren't they spending their enormous cash reserves on a hiring spree?

  • proc0 7 hours ago

    Because employees are just numbers and a business is about optimizing the numbers. Meanwhile what we're getting as a civilization is faster and faster pace of living life in general. Faster information consumption, faster jobs, faster food, faster communication, faster spending, faster startups, etc. etc.

    So we're basically sacrificing human connection, healthy communities, for a faster paced life style that is dominated by technology... for the purpose of building more technology. It's insane but I wonder if it's inevitable, and I wonder if this is what the Bible is really about and whether that has been the point of religion all this time (and it has lost its way since the Enlightenment).

spiderfarmer 9 hours ago

So these uber intelligent people are working 60 hours per week, have all the resources and data in the world, and they’re still lagging behind Deepseek in the most important areas?

They should try 62 hours. Maybe those extra 2 hours will give them a competitive edge.