It looks like a very interesting class, I would certainly take it given the opportunity. Looking over the syllabus has prompted some questions, though.
1. Is morality the only foundation of capitalism? Does the course attempt to prove that all of the features of capitalism ultimately come from moral principles?
2. If somebody is a capitalist, are they ipso factor moral?
3. If somebody is not a capitalist, are they ipso factor immoral?
4. Can capitalism be (ab)used for immoral purposes, and yet still be capitalism?
5. How about a mixed-econommy like ours? Is it impossible to be fully moral in our society? Is there a bright line between a moral economic system and an immoral economic system? What, exactly, IS capitalism?
6. Concrete case study: Education. Taxing people to fund somebody else's kid's education does not sound very compatible with capitalism (or is it?) It sounds rather like socialism. How about mandatory school attendence? Is it immoral to take children out of the work force? Should we let economic/capitalistic considerations decide these issues?
It looks like a very interesting class, I would certainly take it given the opportunity. Looking over the syllabus has prompted some questions, though.
1. Is morality the only foundation of capitalism? Does the course attempt to prove that all of the features of capitalism ultimately come from moral principles?
2. If somebody is a capitalist, are they ipso factor moral?
3. If somebody is not a capitalist, are they ipso factor immoral?
4. Can capitalism be (ab)used for immoral purposes, and yet still be capitalism?
5. How about a mixed-econommy like ours? Is it impossible to be fully moral in our society? Is there a bright line between a moral economic system and an immoral economic system? What, exactly, IS capitalism?
6. Concrete case study: Education. Taxing people to fund somebody else's kid's education does not sound very compatible with capitalism (or is it?) It sounds rather like socialism. How about mandatory school attendence? Is it immoral to take children out of the work force? Should we let economic/capitalistic considerations decide these issues?
Anyrate, thanks for a fascinating post.