01HNNWZ0MV43FF 6 hours ago

Free speech but not for scientists or transsexuals

blackeyeblitzar 6 hours ago

I’m seeing this trend in many parts of the country - efforts to remove public participation. In Washington state, democrats have been trying to get rid of voter initiatives for example. And they recently removed open debate in the legislature, so there’s no public dissent. And more. Parties pick and choose when they like democracy and free speech.

  • throwaway5752 4 hours ago

    "Senate Bill 5382 (SB 5382) would require individuals collecting petition signatures to sign a declaration on each petition sheet that affirms, under penalty of false swearing, the following:

    Each petitioner signed the sheet provided accurate information.

    The petitioner was eligible to sign and reviewed the sheet.

    The petitioner was not compensated or promised compensation or gratuity for signing.

    In addition, the bill requires those people signing the petition to provide their address along with a date, time and signature and the correct spelling of their name as it appears on their signature card registered with their county’s election office."

  • bediger4000 4 hours ago

    That's not true everywhere. Colorado got another US house district seat in the 2020 census. Colorado is pretty Democrat at the moment. We voted for a nonpartisan committee to do the redistricting. Gabe Evans, Republican, has that seat now.

    I'm not sure you can honestly bothsides that issue easily.