...joined 16 years ago, and has 14420 karma
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I'm Dell Charles Toedt III; I've gone by "D.C." since birth because of the Roman numeral. My last name is pronounced "Tate."
I'm a lawyer in Houston (licensed in California also) and professor of practice at the University of Houston Law Center, teaching advanced business-contract drafting.
I used to be vice president and general counsel of BindView Corporation, a publicly-traded software company headquartered in Houston, which (as outside counsel) I'd helped the founders to start; we were acquired by Symantec.
I post sporadically at:
- http://www.OnContracts.com
- Startup Law 101 — a periodically-updated page of notes and links: http://www.OnContracts.com/startup-law
- The Questioning Christian, http://www.QuestioningChristian.org (lying fallow at the moment)
Undergrad: Math & physics. UT Austin alum for both college and law school.
In between college and law school, I did my ROTC scholarship payback time as a Navy nuclear engineering officer and ship-driver (SWO 1110) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise and was chief-engineer qualified.
More: http://www.OnContracts.com/About
Email: dc@toedt.com.
Here on HN I follow: 'grellas 'patio11 'rayiner 'tptacek 'DannyBee 'ChuckMcM 'DoreenMichele